A new program is estimated age and sex of the user, according to Ngredath

Men often use the terms football and "beer" while women repeated word fingernails

The Hague - AFP -
Launched University Tweinth, the east of the Netherlands, in collaboration with a language and culture institutes in the country, a program on the Internet, allows an estimate age and sex of the user, according to Tweets by the social networking site "Twitter", it revealed the university.
Fbalastnad analysis included about 3 thousand in the account "Twitter" has knowledge of the owners, the researchers prepared a list of words or phrases that are in line with a particular age group or gender specific, according to Dong Nguyen explained that longer PhD thesis in computer science at the University Tweinth, which participated in this project. She stressed that the contents of the tweets are taken into account and the picture is not the users.
Suffice it to mention the name of the user on the website, which was launched to the estimated age and gender program, based on the last two hundred Tweets by the "Twitter" comparing the data list. The Institute took "Martins" character of language in the program, while designed university informational apartment. Curators have noted on site "Twetjna. Nell" that men often use the terms "football" and "beer" in Ngredathm, while the repeated word "nails" in the women's tweets. As for the age, "often young people talking about themselves and resort to emoticons, while sentences are older and longer words," in the words of Dong Nguyen.
The margin of error in the four-year program, which is currently analyzing only tweets written in Dutch, but Dong Nguyen confirmed that the Working Group on the project plans to launch in other languages ​​and applied to the other continues to social sites, such as "Facebook."


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