Anonymous Group

Anonymous (Group)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anonymous (in English: Anonymous) is an Internet M adopted in the context of Internet culture to represent the actions of many anonymous users in the online community, who are usually not linked in one place towards the agreed goal. It is a comprehensive term for members of certain sub-cultures of the Internet. [2]

Anonymous is a small group engaged in the struggle through programmatic penetration. Found in 2003 on the forum Photos (4 chan), representing a concept of Internet users and non-users together, present as societies called metaphorically brain global digital Allastaiwa, and also is generally considered the term padded Oamoaqa government and the most important security companies, and can distinguish their members in the community by wearing to a certain style of so-called masks (Guy Fawkes), which was originally designed for the film V for Vendetta in 2005.
Was their debut through a decentralized network acted anonymously and coordinated toward the goal of self-free may be agreed upon, their purpose of entertainment. With the beginning of 2008
Anonymous groups became increasingly related to the global collective work of penetration, and they have held demonstrations and other acts in the same vein against digital piracy over the counter motion picture and recording industry trade associations. The acts attributed to Anonymous, held by unknown individuals put Mlsaf the Anonymous them slogan affiliation, has some analysts praised them as fighters numeric, and other أدانهم being Hacobion Anarchists fighters. Alononemus not conjoined to one Internet site, many of the sites were linked strongly with them, making them a prominent photographer Panel, notably: 8 Chan; associated Anonymous, wiki encyclopedia and a number of forums. However, after a series of controversy and widespread protests denial announced to settle the sites that were attacked by unknown assailants in 2008, which increased incidents between members cadre Alononemus. We have classified Network (CNN) in 2012 Alononemus as one of the three most important the successors Oaklex, and Snafthm the U.S. Time magazine as one of the most influential groups in the world


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